

Is there a better advocate than someone who has experienced similar challenges firsthand? Surviving an unusual athletic collapse, Cheyenne was diagnosed with a rare vasculitis, TAK. Since her near-fatal tumble, she has exhausted her time in waiting rooms, only to hear the phrase, “one more month.” With her mom as her most prominent advocate, she navigated one medical obstacle after the other.

Now an Athletic Trainer at Clemson University, Cheyenne is able to stress the importance of educating players on their health before rushing them to the field. Having an advocate as your trainer stretches the life of an athlete and strengthens their fortitude physically and mentally. Her current role includes all aspects of medical care for the 135 football athletes on the team. That includes emergency care, rehabilitation from injury, preventative care, and daily coverage of practices and games. In particular, Cheyenne deals with a large portion of the mental health aspect of player health, procuring and accompanying outside medical care, and emergency procedures.

Cheyenne was born in Ithaca, New York and she moved to Salcha, Alaska at a young age where she finished High School. She attended Springfield College in Massachusetts and completed her BS in Athletic Training in 2013. She then went onto complete an MS in Biological Sciences in 2017 at Clemson University and began working for the football program in 2019 where she has been ever since.

More on Mile 40:

Website: https://www.bishoytadros.com/mile-40-running-podcast/

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